Sunday, February 28, 2010

Choconana Sorbet

Well friends we have created another recipe for our raw desserts! This one is so simple it amazes me it alluded us for so long. I guess you're wondering why we're calling it sorbet and not ice cream. It's because the texture was closer to sorbet, but either way it's friggin' delicious and all you need is a good blender and an ice cream maker. So here it is;

Choconana Sorbet:
2 large bananas
1 TBS Raw cocao or carob
dash of vanilla
pinch of salt
1 TBS water

*Blend all ingredients in a high sped blender until smooth.
*Pour mixture into ice cream maker and set according to manufacturers directions. With ours we went about 20-30 minutes. Marina likes hers topped with raw cocao nibs.

There you go friends, a simple and healthy dessert.

Enjoy and be healthy!