Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nut Butter Cookies

I have a confession. I need pictures for recipes. I really do. I like to see what the final outcome is supposed to look like for two reasons; 1) I like to know I'm on the right track. Sometimes I'll be halfway through a recipe and think to myself: that's not what this is supposed to look like. Of course that's always the problem, it never looks anything like the final product halfway through. 2) Seeing a picture of the final product gives me a better idea of what to expect, like this particular recipe. It's called Nut Butter Cookies, from Raw Foods for Busy People by Jordan Maerin. I was under the impression I was making a raw version of Nutter Butters, my all-time favorite cookie. But I wasn't, not even close. Not to say this wasn't delicious, Oh My God, it's sooo good. You have a choice of using all coconut, all crushed nuts or 1/2 and 1/2. I did all coconut and it tastes just like a macaroon. I should call it a 'raw'caroon. But it's not my recipe so I respect the author's wishes and maintain the original name of 'Nut Butter Cookies'. I do plan on using the other two variations soon, I'll use crushed cashews because they're my favorite nut. Also, you need a dehydrator for this recipe. If you're serious about raw foods then get one ASAP. We recently bought a 9 tray Excalibur dehydrator for around $130. It is awesome. In fact it even has a raw/living foods setting on it. But if you get one and it doesn't, no fear. Just set it for around 110-116 degrees and you're golden. You can get less expensive ones to start out with from Target or Wal-Mart. Or you can even try Craigs List. So many people sell perfectly good appliances for really cheap. So here it is my raw friends;

Nut Butter Cookies
3 cups crushed nuts and/or dried coconut
1/2 cup raw almond or cashew butter, at room temperature
3/4 cup maple syrup or honey
2 TB. Olive or Flaxseed oil
1 TB. Vanilla extract
Pinch of sea salt

For Carob cookies add 1/4 cup carob powder
For spice cookies add 1 TB. cinnamon and 1/2 TB nutmeg
For Banana Cookies replace 1 cup of nuts with dried banana

Mix all ingredients together using your hands or a food processor fitted with the mixing blade, NOT the S blade. Shape into a cookie and place on solid dehydrator sheet. (I added 1/2 of water to make the mixture a little more sticky, this allowed me to more easily form the cookies. It added a little to the dehydrating time but it was worth it.)
Dehydrate for 8-12 hours then transfer to cookies to slotted dehydrator sheet and dehydrate for another 4-8 hours until dry on the outside.

I recommend eating one right away while it's still warm. Yum!

Enjoy and be Healthy!