Wednesday, November 11, 2009

7 Day Detox

On November 15 Marina and I will begin a 7 day detox. It will begin a with a 24-hour water fast ending that night with a mono fruit meal. (And no that does not mononucleosis for those who want to ask.) The rest of the week will consist of small meals made up of either all fruit or all uncooked vegetables, with lots of water drinking in between. I will blog every day, hopefully, about what we've eaten, how much I weigh and how I'm feeling.
Join me on this first step of our journey to getting healthier, becoming cleaner and being happier for many years to come.

Enjoy and be healthy


  1. I support you both on the journey. Ayanna

  2. Great idea! This is fabu-dabu. I look forward to the unfolding narrative and to the photos and recipes.
